It is, indeed, an inspiring first in Chinese history for a toppled ruler to be punished by the law rather than the mob. So more’s the pity that the achievement is marred by flaws in the legal system that Mr Chen’s trial has highlighted.
來源:經濟學人評論:the trials of ah-bian
因此若有人覺得陳水扁很爛,那麼受傷更大的其實是台灣民主被放大檢視,在這期經濟學人的評論裡,三分之一談扁案貪污,三分之二在談司法有問題之處,因此,蔡守訓的一審判決基本上在外國人眼裡(連同前兩天Jerome Cohen的文章)已經被打上大大的不及格了。
以下引用幾個精彩的部分,完整原文請見這裡。(中文版可參考Bad Angel這篇很棒的翻譯。)
During the “White Terror” of the Kuomintang (KMT) dictatorship, Wu Shu-chen, a beauty from a well-to-do family, falls for the idealism of a poor tenant-farmer’s son, nicknamed Ah-Bian, who has put his precocious talents as a lawyer into the fight for justice, human rights and democracy.
KMT hitmen may have been responsible. She is confined for life to a wheelchair.
Yet, for all the revulsion with Mr Chen, the handling of his trial has also raised concerns. At best, many say, the judiciary has one foot stuck in the bad old days. At worst, it takes its orders from the KMT, now back in power.
Six years ago Taiwan’s judge-prosecutors were replaced by a system in which impartial judges are meant to hear out the case for the prosecution and the defence. Mr Tsai’s open hostility to Mr Chen during the trial suggests some old-school attitudes are hard to shake off.
4.鄭文龍,很多國外媒體幫你報仇了,前兩天Jerome Cohen有提到,這裡又提到一次:
What is more, prosecutors’ immense powers, including the practice of interrogating an individual without letting him know what he is said to have done, remain a blot on democracy. Shameful too was the skit performed at the prosecutors’ annual dinner in which mockery was made of Mr Chen famously protesting at the humiliation of having to wear handcuffs. No rebuke came from the government. Now the justice ministry threatens to disbar Mr Chen’s lawyer, Cheng Wen-lung, for questioning the fairness of the judicial process. That smacks, says Jerome Cohen, Mr Ma’s former law professor, now at New York University, of the persecution of human-rights lawyers in China.
檢察官權力無限上綱,實在是民主的污點;還有檢察官嘲諷陳水扁上手銬的表演也十分可恥,政府竟然沒有加以糾正;鄭文龍只是質疑司法流程的公正性,司法部竟然威脅要取消他的律師資格。馬英九的老師Jerome Cohen認為這個作法頗類似中國政府迫害人權律師的味道。
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