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淨 山 活 動 ‧ 聖 山 運 動 |
信仰建國228‧追思感恩臺灣神 |
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2013年9月30日 星期一
2013年9月29日 星期日
2013年9月26日 星期四
◎ 林佳瑋
◎ 林佳瑋
2013年9月24日 星期二
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (6/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (6/6)
推廣時的特殊狀況 (續)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (6/6)
Special Situation during Promotion (Continue)
The most memorable experiences of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement during the street promotion are the encounters of victims' families. For instance, some of them asked why their relatives’ photos were not shown in the temporary gods’ seat. To be recognized and accepted, they were voluntary offering their relatives’ photos and detailed information to volunteers.
In other encounter, Mrs. Lin, Li-tsai, a Catholic, noticed the blurring of her relatives’ photo while looking at the temporary gods’ seat, and then would like to provide the original picture. Interestingly, Mr. Li, Jung-hsin from the United States accidentally met with one of volunteers in a protest rally and had a very pleasant conversation, and later was very surprised to find their relative showed up in the temporary gods’ seat. As a Christian himself, the staring courtesy was the way to show the respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. Later, he expressed the willingness to bring the talisman of Tâi-uân-sîn back to U.S. and share this unusual but pleasant experience with relatives. A series of photos of the victims' families are shown in Picture 18 through Picture 21.
(Series End. The Stages of Education Center (The Taiwan Holy Mountain - Ecological Education Park). Coming soon.)
推廣時的特殊狀況 (續)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (6/6)
Special Situation during Promotion (Continue)
The most memorable experiences of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement during the street promotion are the encounters of victims' families. For instance, some of them asked why their relatives’ photos were not shown in the temporary gods’ seat. To be recognized and accepted, they were voluntary offering their relatives’ photos and detailed information to volunteers.
In other encounter, Mrs. Lin, Li-tsai, a Catholic, noticed the blurring of her relatives’ photo while looking at the temporary gods’ seat, and then would like to provide the original picture. Interestingly, Mr. Li, Jung-hsin from the United States accidentally met with one of volunteers in a protest rally and had a very pleasant conversation, and later was very surprised to find their relative showed up in the temporary gods’ seat. As a Christian himself, the staring courtesy was the way to show the respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. Later, he expressed the willingness to bring the talisman of Tâi-uân-sîn back to U.S. and share this unusual but pleasant experience with relatives. A series of photos of the victims' families are shown in Picture 18 through Picture 21.
(Series End. The Stages of Education Center (The Taiwan Holy Mountain - Ecological Education Park). Coming soon.)
2013年9月23日 星期一
社運團體疾呼 929圍國父紀念館 集中火力嗆馬
馬出席全代會 在國父紀念館
嗆馬兵分兩路 能量容易分散
建議先去圍馬 再去凱道罵馬
馬出席全代會 在國父紀念館
嗆馬兵分兩路 能量容易分散
建議先去圍馬 再去凱道罵馬
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (5/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (5/6)
宣揚過程中的特殊遭遇有出現過操外省口音的長者,認為228家屬已經得到政府的補償金,為何還拿出來操作省籍情結,無法認同「拜台灣神」運動的推廣而在現場大聲抗議的情況。另外也發生過在遊行現場被警察當成非法攤販要加以驅趕,志工們極力捍衛自身權益之下,女警脫口而出「我的上級是中華人民共和國」 的「女警失言事件」。
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (5/6)
Special Situation during Promotion
At the beginning of the street promotion, most of people showed the weird eyes on their faces and then stayed away from volunteers by rejecting the promotion leaflets. In a long run, these kinds of encounters will surely make volunteers very frustrated. To boost morale, the selling skills of street vendors at night market became the best target for volunteers to imitate and learn.
As time went by, people were gradually aware of the underlying meaning of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”. And, more people were willing to show their respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. In a crowd scenario, a phenomenon of overheating censer causing burning incense on fire spontaneously from bottom to top, or commonly called “Huat-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while too many people paying their respects within a short period of time. Interestingly, in an opposite scenario a phenomenon of burning incense on fire spontaneously from top to bottom, or called “Hué-sio-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while only a few burning incense sticks in the censer. These phenomena are shown in Picture 14 and Picture 15.
In a special encounter, an elderly man with a mainlander’s accent shouted loudly at the site expressing his discontent with the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement, and at the same time argued that victims' families of 228 Incident had been compensated by government why this subject was brought out to stir up the complex relationship between native Taiwanese and mainlander. Also, many volunteers had the experience being mistreated as an illegal street vendor by local police (see Picture 16). On another occasion, a policewoman burst out and said that “My superior is the People's Republic of China” during an intense dispute with volunteers at the protest site (see Picture 17).
(to be continued)
宣揚過程中的特殊遭遇有出現過操外省口音的長者,認為228家屬已經得到政府的補償金,為何還拿出來操作省籍情結,無法認同「拜台灣神」運動的推廣而在現場大聲抗議的情況。另外也發生過在遊行現場被警察當成非法攤販要加以驅趕,志工們極力捍衛自身權益之下,女警脫口而出「我的上級是中華人民共和國」 的「女警失言事件」。
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (5/6)
Special Situation during Promotion
At the beginning of the street promotion, most of people showed the weird eyes on their faces and then stayed away from volunteers by rejecting the promotion leaflets. In a long run, these kinds of encounters will surely make volunteers very frustrated. To boost morale, the selling skills of street vendors at night market became the best target for volunteers to imitate and learn.
As time went by, people were gradually aware of the underlying meaning of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”. And, more people were willing to show their respect towards Tâi-uân-sîn. In a crowd scenario, a phenomenon of overheating censer causing burning incense on fire spontaneously from bottom to top, or commonly called “Huat-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while too many people paying their respects within a short period of time. Interestingly, in an opposite scenario a phenomenon of burning incense on fire spontaneously from top to bottom, or called “Hué-sio-lôo (Taiwanese pronunciation)”, has been encountered while only a few burning incense sticks in the censer. These phenomena are shown in Picture 14 and Picture 15.
In a special encounter, an elderly man with a mainlander’s accent shouted loudly at the site expressing his discontent with the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement, and at the same time argued that victims' families of 228 Incident had been compensated by government why this subject was brought out to stir up the complex relationship between native Taiwanese and mainlander. Also, many volunteers had the experience being mistreated as an illegal street vendor by local police (see Picture 16). On another occasion, a policewoman burst out and said that “My superior is the People's Republic of China” during an intense dispute with volunteers at the protest site (see Picture 17).
(to be continued)
2013年9月16日 星期一
◎ 盧孳艷
馬丁路德的黑人民權運動過程中,較少被討論的是1970s的健康社會運動(black health activism),強調健康平權是基本人權,更是爭取民權的基礎,指出「醫療產業複合體」(medical-industrial complex)不僅將醫療照護、健康、身體等商品化,更造成健康不平等的嚴重後果。醫療照顧在黑人居住地區較少,而白人居多的醫療提供者欠缺對黑人生活及文化的理解,所提供的醫療照護品質低劣。民權鬥士們一方面在黑人社區增設醫療服務站,並以融入黑人生活文化之方式與之互動;另一方面進行培訓,讓黑人為自己的健康權發聲,發展了結合民權與健康權的社會運動。
我們再次呼籲衛福部回頭是岸,盲從自由貿易及市場競爭,犧牲的是大眾健康!我們也邀請民眾一起站出來反對服貿協議、抵制國際醫療專區,在我們成為醫療難民之前,勇敢發聲! (作者為台灣護理產業工會理事長、陽明大學教授)
◎ 盧孳艷
馬丁路德的黑人民權運動過程中,較少被討論的是1970s的健康社會運動(black health activism),強調健康平權是基本人權,更是爭取民權的基礎,指出「醫療產業複合體」(medical-industrial complex)不僅將醫療照護、健康、身體等商品化,更造成健康不平等的嚴重後果。醫療照顧在黑人居住地區較少,而白人居多的醫療提供者欠缺對黑人生活及文化的理解,所提供的醫療照護品質低劣。民權鬥士們一方面在黑人社區增設醫療服務站,並以融入黑人生活文化之方式與之互動;另一方面進行培訓,讓黑人為自己的健康權發聲,發展了結合民權與健康權的社會運動。
我們再次呼籲衛福部回頭是岸,盲從自由貿易及市場競爭,犧牲的是大眾健康!我們也邀請民眾一起站出來反對服貿協議、抵制國際醫療專區,在我們成為醫療難民之前,勇敢發聲! (作者為台灣護理產業工會理事長、陽明大學教授)
2013年9月13日 星期五
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (4/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (4/6)
推廣場所 (續)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (4/6)
Promotion Places (Continue)
According the record of “TATI photo galleries”, a total of 157 promotional activity counts of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement are plotted as the fold-line chart of the accumulative counts versus the years, from 2004 to 2010 is shown in Figure 3. It shows a stable growth of the activity from 2004 to 2005, and then moves to a higher growth rate between 2006 and 2008, and a slowing down of the activity after 2009. The higher and stable increase rate happens to coincide with large-scale social movements and the election campaigns activities, and with an average of 35 activity counts per year between 2006 and 2008. The slowing down rate with a single digit activity counts per year after 2009 is mainly due to the focus of the movement is shifted to the establishment of the education center.
Also, a plot of the activity counts of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement versus areas of Taiwan is shown in Figure 4. It shows the highest activity counts of 95 in the central area and the lesser activity counts of 25 in the north and 31 in the south areas. The highest counts are related to the distribution of volunteers are more concentrated in the central area of Taiwan. The lesser activity counts are related to the large gatherings of the social movements mostly held in the north and the south areas of Taiwan.
The platform of Internet has been playing an important key role in the news media since the advent of the world wide webs. Together with mobile devices, the blogs, YouTube, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and other forms of social community sharing platforms have become very powerful and effective uncensored agencies in mediating critical information. Such developments have proven very significant in changing the fate of country, where the government historically keeps tight control on the media, such as the “Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolution” and the subsequence of the “Arab Spring”.
These developments are very encouraging for the purpose of promoting the movement on “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”. In fact, information including the introduction of Tâi-uân-sîn, the book of “228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture”, preaching materials such as stickers, activity photos, audios and videos have all being digitized and put on websites, and through volunteers’ web pages of various social networking platforms to further publicize and raise the awareness of the movement.
(to be continued)
2013年9月12日 星期四
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (3/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (3/6)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (3/6)
Promotion Places
The best places to preach Tâi-uân-sîn are the places holding the pro-Taiwan social movement. Obviously, these pro-Taiwan activists are more inclined to accept the faith of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn than pro-China supporters. The first attempt to promote “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” in such activity took place in the “228 Hand in Hand Rally” at Taichung in 2004. A photo image of the activity of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” in the rally is shown in Picture 10. Later, a similar social movement held in Taipei. A photo of the activity of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” in the “Protest China's Anti-secession Law” at Taipei in 2005 is shown in Picture 11.
Places like night markets or farmers’ markets are also good places to promote “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”. In fact, these are the best places for volunteers to train their communication skills and to convey information to people without knowing their political tendency beforehand. Photos of the activity of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” at some market places are shown in Picture 12 and in Picture 13.
(to be continued)
2013年9月10日 星期二
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (2/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (2/6)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (2/6)
Promotion Methods
Different types of gods’ seat have been designed to cope with various conditions in the street promotion of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn”, and are shown in a series of pictures from Picture 6 to Picture 9. Most of movable gods’ seats contain the pictures of Tâi-uân-sîn representatives and a brief description of the great deeds beneath each picture. Such design is to allow more people within a brief moment to make acquaintance of Tâi-uân-sîn. In addition, volunteers will send out leaflets on-site with an interpretation to deepen people’s understanding of the causes and objectives of the movement. The talisman is a personal wearing gift and also a spiritual protection symbol from Tâi-uân-sîn for who are willingly to spend more time making acquaintance with Tâi-uân-sîn.
(to be continued)
2013年9月9日 星期一
因此,問題的定義,基本上就是一個主觀議題,它的定義是倚賴於政治判斷,然後以此來解決問題。也就因為如此,問題的定義往往是在我們確定解決方案之後,才會逐漸地明朗化。所以,非常重要的,問題並非是先前或客觀地存在,而是決定於我們要如何地解決它。著名的Lindblom & Cohen就明白告訴我們:「其實,問題並不是客觀地存在那裡,讓我們去發現它,而是我們做了一個選擇來形塑我們的問題(we make a choice about how we want to formulate a problem)。」
2013年9月4日 星期三
台電董事長洩漏機密 冷氣調高一度免續建核四
2013年9月3日 星期二
聖山教育展版線上導覽-228台灣神的信仰:台灣神信仰的推廣 (1/6)
台灣神信仰的推廣 (1/6)
Promotion of the faith of Tâi-uân-sîn (1/6)
The promotion of the “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” movement began at the year of 2004. It can be better described as the stage of a social movement. The main focus of the stage is to preaching the truthfulness of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” on the street. After 2007, the priority of the movement was gradually shifted to establish an education center (i.e. a permanent base) for the faith of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn. The center is now being called the “Taiwan Holy Mountain - Ecological Education Park”.
The Stages of Social Movement
The social movement of “Worship Tâi-uân-sîn” began at 2004, and since then has been a continued focus on proactive publicity for a period of six years. Most of promotions took place at crowded places including the places to host social activity, night market, farmers’ market, and so on. Since the majority of Taiwan’s people has the custom of worshiping their ancestors, gods, legends and folk belief, the ritual items such as movable gods’ seat, incense table and talisman are widely used in the street promotion.
(to be continued)
2013年9月2日 星期一
“228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture”
The “228 Tâi-uân-sîn Taesiong Scripture” is a book of modern scripture scripted on A.D. 2004 February 28th. It’s a revelation for the people of Taiwan from God through the great deeds of people sacrificing their lives in upholding freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. Praising and blessing people upholding universal values, and prophetic warnings and the consequences of losing these values, and realization of a true freedom and democratic country of Taiwan are the main aspirations of the scripture.
More importantly, the scripture is a guideline for the people of Taiwan to regain their self-esteem and to understand the true meaning of self-determination. It’s more like a textbook of the social justice curriculum for people to learn and see self as self-empowered activists (both individually and collectively) by contributing to social justice by protecting and extending human rights. In short, it’s a modern scripture for people to follow the spirit of 228 Tâi-uân-sîn representatives and to see themselves as sovereign entities in exercising the right of sovereign for the furtherance of human rights, dignity and peace in the world.
(to be continued)
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